Lightning Strikes Twice with Theater Pizzazz

"Don’t believe lightning doesn’t strike twice. I was struck by theatrical lightning, two times during the same week and at the same location by the boundless emotional intelligence and infinite talent of the same 28 year old young playwright — Steven Carl McCasland – a pleasant, polite, calm, Long Island native who dramatically and passionately reconstructs 20th Century history in his dramas.... McCasland’s view of the Kennedy Household may not be totally factual, but feels absolutely emotionally spot-on. He has obviously done his research. This is the 'Camelot' JFK grew up in, before his widow and her minions cynically bestowed that tag on their White House stay. What’s particularly special about 24 Marchant Avenue? McCasland not only wrote this play, but masterfully directed it, and makes every nuance clear as can be."

To read more of Theater Pizzazz's love letter to 28 Marchant Avenue, click here

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“Steven Carl McCasland, Where Have You Been All My Life?”