Michael Riedel Discusses Steven’s Revival of MOOSE MURDERS…
“To mark the 30th anniversary of this landmark of American theater, “Moose Murders” is being revived by off-Broadway’s The Beautiful Soup Theater Collective, beginning Jan. 29. It will be directed by Steven McCasland, founder of The Beautiful Soup, and “shamelessly revised” by Bicknell himself.
Revised? Is this because he doesn’t think he got it right the first time? “Well, me and a few other million people,” he says, with a laugh.
“When Steven came to me with the idea of directing the play, he asked some very innocent questions — such as, ‘Who killed so and so in this scene?’ One would think that I, as the author of this murder mystery, would be able to answer that question. But I couldn’t. I don’t think I ever could. I didn’t think it was important at the time. So I sat down and started to plot out the play — to make sure I knew whodunnit. It’s amazing how much easier it is when you actually do the work!”
“Here’s hoping it goes better this time around. How can it not?””